Saphenectomy (removal of great saphenous vein) and parvectomy (removal of small saphenous vein) are the surgeries on large varicose veins of lower extremities. The most common is surgery using the Babcock’s technique. It is one of more popular surgical techniques applied in the treatment of varicose veins of lower extremities. Such procedures are also referred to as stripping of great saphenous vein or small saphenous vein.  

skleroterapia metodą Tessariego

Such surgical technique was first used in 1905 by William Wayne Babcock. It is applied until these days under various modifications. Classic method consists in making two incisions – one in the region of groin and the second one in the area of medial malleolus. Then, a special probe, called stripper, is introduced via the incision at groin into the lumen of great saphenous vein. Next, it is tied to the vein and everything is removed through the groin incision. Provided there are adequate anatomical conditions, the Babcock’s technique is characterized by a low frequency of disease recurrence, simplicity and safety. Unfortunately, it rarely allows the surgeon for a precise verification of removed vessel under the guidance of ultrasound. 



Venous disorders

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