Our patients frequently ask about the effectiveness of sclerotherapy. It is an accurate question, however, still not precise enough. In our practice, we use various options of sclerotherapy which are adjusted to particular needs and clinical situations. Thus, this question cannot be answered directly.  


Mechano-chemiczna obliteracja systemem Flebogrif

Percutaneous catheter echosclerotherapy under tumescent local anaesthesia is a method which more often replaces classic needle echosclerotherapy in recent years.  

In the Clinic of Phlebology in Warsaw, we use an improved variant of this method on a daily basis. We use a modern system PHLEBOGRIFFE, developed by BALTON based on mechanical and chemical endovenous ablation.

What makes PHLEBOGRIFFE distinct out of other methods based on foam administration?

The rule of action of PHLEBOGRIFFE is slightly more complex compared to classic needle echosclerotherapy which consists exclusively in chemical irritation of vein endothelium after the administration of sclerosant.  

In case of PHLEBOGRIFFE, two mechanisms are simultaneously applied which lead to the deactivation of varicose vein from the circulation and finally to its closure. Adequate system of catheters, introduced in an exceptionally minimally invasive method, results in the mechanical damage of vein endothelium with subsequent reaction of vein constricting and closing as a consequence of the administration of foamy sclerosants.

Such approach ensures better effects of treatment. Fibrosis of vein from the inside is much more effective compared to the most common needle echosclerotherapy.

It is important in case of larger varicose veins, whose maximal diameter exceeds 6 mm. In such situations, classic needle echosclerotherapy becomes less effective. Its effectiveness in several year observation amounts maximally to 70%. 

Below there are unquestionable advantages of mechanical and chemical obliteration using PHLEBOGRIFFE , i.a.::

  • relatively low cost of procedure (nearly 2-fold less expensive compared to endovenous laser therapy or sclerotherapy with ClariVein method)
  • duration of 20-30 minutes, procedure performed in outpatient settings  
  • lack of anaesthesia introduced to the spine, lack of tumescent anaesthesia 
  • immediate return to activity 
  • minimal risk of complications 
  • high effectiveness of procedure (exceeding the effectiveness of classic echosclerotherapy)



Venous disorders

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