Laseroterapia wewnątrzżylna wykonywana najskuteczniejszym na rynku systemem laserowym ELVeS 1470 nm
It is associated with the introduction of the new generation laser of wavelength equal to 1470 nm which uses the technology of radial fibres, i.e. annular fibres (ELVeS 1470 nm). It was launched to the market by Biolitec. Compared to elder laser systems, using shorter wavelengths, e.g. 810 or 980 nm, innovative systems made laser therapy of varicose veins to be the most effective, universal and exceptionally safe for patient.
Laser therapy of varicose veins is the most popular method out of all minimally invasive methods of varicose vein treatment. In the Clinic of Phlebology, laser procedures are performed under tumescent local aesthesia in the majority of cases. The procedure itself consists in the insertion of special optical fibre to the lumen of affected vein and then its occlusion. It is done by heating of the vein wall with laser radiation energy.
The course of procedure is entirely controlled using ultrasound. Such approach provides us with the possibility of precise deactivation of the incompetent vessel from circulation with simultaneous maintenance of functioning of other normally working veins.

Nowoczesny system laserowy ELVeS 1470 nm
In the Clinic of Phlebology in Warsaw, laser therapy of varicose veins is performed using laser system of the newest generation by Biolitec (ELVeS 1470 nm). It is a dual band laser of wavelengths equal to 980 and 1470 mm, using PainLess technique. In our every day practice, we use radial fibres: Radial 2ring (two rings) and Slim (ultrathin).
In the Clinic of Phlebology in Warsaw, laser therapy of varicose veins is performed using laser system of the newest generation by Biolitec (ELVeS 1470 nm). It is a dual band laser of wavelengths equal to 980 and 1470 mm, using PainLess technique. In our every day practice, we use radial fibres: Radial 2ring (two rings) and Slim (ultrathin).
In the Clinic of Phlebology, thanks to the multidiscipline team we use very often hybrid procedures (combined), consisting in adopting several types of methods allowing for effective treatment of leg varicose veins. Laser is an invaluable tool in the treatment.
In the Clinic of Phlebology, thanks to the multidiscipline team we use very often hybrid procedures (combined), consisting in adopting several types of methods allowing for effective treatment of leg varicose veins. Laser is an invaluable tool in the treatment.
In our center, the price of endovenous laser therapy of varicose veins includes:
- aser procedure ( ELVeS 1470 nm system with 2ring optical fibre)
- professionally adjusted compression stocking
- sclerotherapy (various options) performed during laser procedure
- first follow-up (Doppler ultrasound) up to 7-14 days following the procedure

What are the main advantages of laser procedures performed with ELVeS 1470 nm?
- high post-procedural effectiveness amounting to 96% in several year observations
- painlessness (procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, no incisions)
- lower risk of complications compared to classic surgeries (lack of wounds, minimal risk of damage of lymphatic system, nerve branches)
- short duration (closure of varicose veins on one leg lasts for up to 30-40 minutes)
- possibility of performing the procedure on both legs simultaneously
- good cosmetic effects (minimal risk of ecchymosis and discolouration)
- quick recovery to normal activity (practically, just after the procedure)
What are the main indications for the use of laser in the treatment of venous insufficiency of lower extremities?
- removal of large truncal varicose veins (within great and small saphenous veins)
- removal of narrow incompetent major trunks and sidings ("varicose veins of young persons")
- closure of incompetent perforators on thighs and lower limbs, e.g. in patients with untreated venous ulcers of lower limb
- closure of recurrent varicose veins, most frequently in patients who were primarily inadequately qualified for the classic surgery
Is endovenous laser therapy more effective than echosclerotherpay?
Besides the fact that the potential of modern laser systems is very high, there are situations in which the effective treatment of varicose veins of lower extremities by means of endovenous laser is hindered or impossible. In the Clinic of Phlebology, thus, the decision on the selection of adequate method of treatment of varicose veins is always preceded by the precise Doppler ultrasound of veins of lower extremities.
We try not to perform laser-based closure of varicose veins in individuals with:
- poor general health (e.g. patients with internal diseases, those immobilized or suffering from neoplasm)
- venous thromboembolism in acute stage
- pregnancy
- advanced lower limb atherosclerosis (at the stage precluding from wearing of compression devices)
In the Clinic of Phlebology, we routinely apply glue treatment of varicose veins in such patients.
In case of some patients, there is a whole group of relative contraindications for endovenous laser therapy. Below the most important clinical situations for endovenous laser therapy were listed.
- unfavourable course of vessel (too large diameter or grade of its tortuosity)
- confirmed allergy to anaesthetic agents
- diagnosis of coagulability disorders (e.g. thrombophilia),
- large postthrombotic lesions in the major venous trunks of the venous superficial system
- postthrombotic lesions in deep vein system (in such case, treatment of varicose veins should be combined with extended diagnostics and, potentially, treatment of deep veins)