Genetic predisposition is the most important factor favouring the appearance of varicose veins and venous dilatations within small subcutaneous vessels (venulectasias and spider veins) in pregnancy.
During pregnancy, hormone-related effect associated with relaxation and widening of placenta is substantially intensified. Not accidentally, varicose veins of lower extremities, pelvic venous insufficiency with accompanied varicose veins in intimate area (perineum and vulva) and serious complications in the form of thrombosis appear after the delivery.
In the offer of the Clinic of Phleobology, you will find a comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic approach to venous conditions in pregnancy and postpartum period.
According to our long-term observation, "pregnancy" is the most important factor initiating the development of venous insufficiency.
There is a number of reasons of venous system insufficiency in pregnancy. In the first trimester, when uterus is not so large, hormonal changes have the most negative impact on the function of venous system, especially within estrogen and progesterone balance. In the next pregnancy weeks, increased amount of blood circulating in vascular placenta is of importance, especially in venous system, which collects 80% of circulating blood.
The last trimester of pregnancy is frequently predominated by mechanical effect. Depending on its placement and location of foetus, monumentally enlarged uterus may press inferior vena cava and iliac veins to a different extent.
The lack of venous valves in the area of ovarian veins and iliac veins is an important issue for a woman who is pregnant for the second or third time. The problem of insufficiency of the left ovarian vein (the most common in pregnant women) results from the lack of valves in this region (up to 15% of population) or defective mechanism of their closure. The lack of valves in iliac veins is nearly a constant (up to 90% of patients). In such cases, any pressure on venous flow results in nearly immediate appearance of varicose veins in intimate area.
Currently, more families take advantage of in vitro fertilization. Such method is associated with a higher exposure of females to hormonal stimulation and increased probability of having multiple pregnancy, which especially predispose to venous insufficiency of pelvis and lower extremities. Varicose veins in intimate area appearing at the end of the second trimester suggest that this problem is present and it should be verified 3 months following the child birth at the earliest.
Pregnancy is also a period of increased blood coagulability, being present at the end of the second month of pregnancy. Then, fibrinogen increases while the concentration of AT-III and protein S decreases. It should not be forgotten that long-term immobilization, lack of physical activity, drinking of small amount of liquids are important factors increasing the risk of thrombosis.
Symptoms of venous insufficiency in pregnancy are of typical nature, however, they are much more intense. The most common symptom is swelling in the area of ankle, which affects every second female.
Symptoms of venous insufficiency in pregnancy are of typical nature, however, they are much more intense. The most common symptom is swelling in the area of ankle, which affects every second female. The appearance of varicose veins in females being pregnant for the first time amounts to 20%. Swelling is usually accompanied by feeling of heaviness in limbs (especially in the evening) and limb cramps (intensified particularly in the night).
There are also situations, however, in which valve insufficiency of major trunks of the superficial venous system may be present, without their excessive dilatation, even in the first trimester of pregnancy. Such changes cause discomfort, feeling of leg heaviness and pain while walking. Females mainly complain about skin changes and varicose veins which cause discoloration of legs and ankles. Pregnancy may also lead to the appearance of haemorrhoids.
Venous thrombosis is the most severe disease occurring during pregnancy and postpartum period.
Venous thrombosis is the most severe disease occurring during pregnancy and postpartum period. It may be present in the following forms:
A list of the most important risk factors increasing the frequency of thromboembolic disease in pregnancy includes:
Problem pojawiania się bądź nasilania się objawów niewydolności żylnej w ciąży uwarunkowany jest anatomicznie i podatnością żył na rozciąganie. Kobieta mająca skłonność do powstawania żylaków okolic intymnych nie jest w stanie na to bardzo wpłynąć.
Appearance or intensification of symptoms of venous insufficiency in pregnancy is mainly determined by hereditary aspects. Female who has a tendency for varicose veins in intimate area is not able to change it. However, she may undertake a range of preventive actions which decrease the risk of venous insufficiency in lower extremities and pelvis.W tym celu należy:
It is recommended to:
The problem of venous insufficiency in pregnancy is much more complex than it is first appeared to be. In our practice, we very often meet with neglecting the symptoms which are not severe at the beginning. Knowledge on venous compression syndromes in pelvis or pelvic venous insufficiency associated with varicose veins in intimate area is still poor in physicians. Thus, the physicians of the team of the Clinic of Phlebology have started the initiative aimed at propagating the knowledge on risks of the venous system and possibilities of its elimination in future mothers.
Żylaki widoczne przed ciążą są jeszcze większym wyzwaniem. Dzięki nowoczesnym i wyjątkowo skutecznym metodom ich leczenia, takimi jak laser wewnątrzżylny nowej generacji (ELVeS 1470) czy klejenie żylaków, możliwe jest ich skuteczne leczenie na etapie planowania pierwszej ciąży czy każdej następnej.
Wszystko zależy od sytuacji klinicznej. W wielu przypadkach widoczny jest mechanizm prostej niewydolności żylnej, którego wyeliminowanie znacznie minimalizuje ryzyko rozwinięcia się po ciąży masywnej niewydolności.
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