Ultrasonografia to stetoskop w rękach flebologa.
All ultrasound-based vascular examinations (venous and arterial system), in which the Doppler effect is used to examine morphology and blood flow, are referred to as the Doppler examinations. Advance observed in recent years led to a situation in which the Doppler ultrasound became a basis of vessel examinations.
We use the Doppler ultrasound in phlebology on a daily basis at each stage while diagnosing a patient, treating his/her ailments and then monitoring the effects of therapy.
In the diagnosis and treatment of venous system diseases, it is important that ultrasound should be a part of treatment, not only its supplement. Thus, each physician involved in the treatment of veins in the Clinic of Phlebology performs also the Doppler examinations.
What makes us distinct?
In our offer of ultrasound examinations, you will find all Doppler ultrasound examinations of veins and arteries performed by specialists. Physicians representing our diagnostic team will order and perform all other imaging examinations of vessels required in the process of diagnosis and treatment.
In collaboration with other units of diagnostic imaging and hemodynamic units in Warsaw (3T MRI Unit in the Sport Medicine Center (SMC) and Imaging Diagnostic Center of the Medicover Hospital), we perform also other vascular examinations. In the imaging of venous system, we apply, i.a. CT or MRI venography, phlebography, varicography (direct method of contrast –based assessment of varicose veins, using x-ray) or intravascular ultrasound (IVUS).
More information can be accessed in the section: Vascular Diagnostic Imaging
Advantages of the Doppler ultrasound:
- lack of necessity to apply contrast agents
- imaging of vascular system in real time
- lack of side effects of high-frequency sound waves used
- applicability at each stage of diagnosis and treatment
Having proceeded with the ultrasound, it should not be forgotten that some examinations require a special preparation from the patient.
Preparation for the ultrasound
There are basic instructions listed below which are worth to be read carefully prior to the ultrasound. It is required to fast before the procedure.
- For 24 hours prior to the examination, it is recommended to apply easily digested meals and administer drug called Espumisan to empty the bowels from remaining gases. On the day before the examination, it is recommended to take 3 capsules of Espumisan 3 times a day. In case of older persons with a tendency to constipation, above instructions should be followed 48 hours prior to the examination.
- On the day of examination, it is not allowed to drink coffee and tea. Smokers should limit smoking to a maximum extent. Up to 6 hours preceding the ultrasound, it is permitted to drink small amount of non-carbonated water. Consumption of solid food is forbidden (except for patients with diabetes who should arrange examinations in the morning hours).
- In case of patients who require to have a credible examination of small pelvis organs, e.g. ultrasound of urinary system or prostate gland, it is necessary for urinary bladder to be properly filled in. Therefore, it is indicated to drink a lot of non-carbonated water 2 hours prior to the examination (minimum 1 litre bottle) and and refrain from urinating to the time of exam.