Endovenous embolization consists in the closure of the lumen of pathologically widened vessels using special chemical agents (alcohol derivatives, sclerosants or adhesives) or other artificial materials (e.g. sponges, spirals or balloons).

embolizacja naczyń

Stan po embolizacji niewydolnej żyły jajnikowej lewej przy użyciu spiral embolizacyjnych

Most frequently, during endovenous embolization physicians the Phlebology Clinic use foamy sclerosants, polimeryzing tissue adhesives and modern spirals (coils) which are compatible with high-field magnetic resonance systems (approved to 3T field).

In case of procedures on venous system, varicose veins, venous angioma and various types of vascular malformations of mixed nature are most frequently closed. Thus, dependent on the purpose, interventional radiologists of our team use different imaging techniques:

  • percutaneous (DUS) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)
  • computed tomography (CTV)
  • roentgenography (venography, phlebography, varicography)
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRV)

The most common indications for endovenous embolization are:

  • symptomatic pelvic venous insufficiency (PCS = pelvic congestion syndrome)
  • atypical varicose veins of lower extremities resulting from pelvic venous insufficiency
  • recurrent varicose veins of lower extremities resulting from pelvic venous insufficiency which have been already operated
  • symptomatic varicose veins of spermatic cord in males
  • venous malformations or venous angioma in different localization, e.g. in intimate area, in the region of lower extremities  

Unquestionable advantages of endovenous embolization are:

  • lack of incisions on skin, lack of unsightly stitches
  • short time of endovenous embolization procedures
  • usually lack of necessity of general anaesthesia
  • quick recovery to everyday activities
  • low risk of midsurgical and postsurgical complications
  • high effectiveness (percentage of successfully closed veins exceeds 90%)
  • lower frequency of recurrence (2-10% compared to 20-30% in case of surgery)

The majority of angio-guided endovenous embolization procedures are performed by the physicians of the Phlebology Clinic team in the hemodynamic unit of the Medicover Hospital in Warsaw (Wilanów).


Venous disorders

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